Little Sweden USA

A blog about Lindsborg

In Sweden, Midsommar celebrates the summer solstice — a magical time when daylight lasts nearly all night long — through a day of music and dancing. At the center of the festivities in nearly every village is the majstång (or maypole) trimmed with garlands of flowers, often in the form of two circlets of flowers hung from its crossbar. In addition to decorating the pole, townspeople see to it that every house gets a row of twigs around the front door, and even boats and cars are festooned. Once the maypole is raised, usually in the center of a park, the music and dancing begin a celebration that lasts well into the bright night.

In two months, on June 18th, Lindsborg will celebrate Midsummer’s Day; watch this space for details over the next few weeks. Meanwhile, an overview of Lindsborg’s Midsummer’s celebration, including an order form for the traditional Swedish smorgasboard meal, is available.

Swedish maypole