Little Sweden USA

A blog about Lindsborg

This is the press release that was released to local and regional media. Feel free to spread the word!

LINDSBORG, KS - Midsummer’s Day, a traditional Swedish festival celebrated worldwide, returns to Lindsborg: Little Sweden USA, the weekend of June 18th. This festival, held to celebrate the beginning of summer, is one of the most popular of all Swedish celebrations, and Lindsborg is proud to host this fun-filled family oriented Swedish-American festival. Now in its 34th year, Lindsborg’s 2005 Midsummer’s Day promises to be a fun-filled day for everyone in the family!

On Saturday numerous local Midsummer activities will be held throughout the Lindsborg village - in Swensson Park during the day, in the Bethany College student union for a smörgåsbord, and at the Old Mill Heritage Square historical complex for evening Swedish folkdancing and maypole (majstång) raising.

The Saturday festival events will begin with traditional Midsummers activities and events in Swensson Park on North Main Street, with gates open from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

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The McPherson County Old Mill Museum, located in south Lindsborg near the Smoky Hill River, is hosting the annual Millfest celebration on Saturday, May 7th. Millfest is a family event celebrating the history of the mill and the pioneer heritage of the region; more information is available at the Mill’s web site.

The highlight of the day for many people is seeing the old roller mill in operation. Though no grain is ground, the belts, wheels and pulleys that power the 100 year old mill can be seen operating during the periodic tours of the mill that are given throughout the day.

Additionally, there is a small arts and crafts fair that includes demonstrations of once vital skills necessary for prairie farm life. A hearty lunch and good music round out the day.

Finally, there is the 4th annual Millfest Bakeoff! Contestants also provide an entry for the bake sale, which raises funds to support the museum. More information and a bakeoff signup form are available here.

While doing research for this article I came across a great website that features old mills, many similar to the local mill. The mills are from all around the country, including 7 others in Kansas. And, one of those 7 is the mill that is locally referred to as the old mill, the Smoky Valley Roller Mill.

In Sweden, Midsommar celebrates the summer solstice — a magical time when daylight lasts nearly all night long — through a day of music and dancing. At the center of the festivities in nearly every village is the majstång (or maypole) trimmed with garlands of flowers, often in the form of two circlets of flowers hung from its crossbar. In addition to decorating the pole, townspeople see to it that every house gets a row of twigs around the front door, and even boats and cars are festooned. Once the maypole is raised, usually in the center of a park, the music and dancing begin a celebration that lasts well into the bright night.

In two months, on June 18th, Lindsborg will celebrate Midsummer’s Day; watch this space for details over the next few weeks. Meanwhile, an overview of Lindsborg’s Midsummer’s celebration, including an order form for the traditional Swedish smorgasboard meal, is available.

Swedish maypole

Lindsborg will be hosting 800 visitors on Tuesday, June 7th of this year. Our guests will be the riders and support staff of an annual long-distance bike ride known as the Bike Across Kansas ride. They will be marking the half-way point of their 8 day, 530 mile long journey across the state when they stop to catch their breathe and spend the night in Lindsborg.

It should come as no surprise that a large number of local volunteers come together to support such a large influx of visitors. Local folks who are interested in more information should attend an informational meeting on Saturday, the 30th of April, downtown at the Cookery, starting at 10am. As I understand it, there will be a short “question & answer” session with the Food Coordinator, Sherry McKee, and possibly Charlie Summers and Denise Duerksen, the Executive Directors of Biking Across Kansas.

In addition, as of the 15th of April, BAK is still looking for food providers. If you know of a group that would like to provide food for BAK, please contact or or call 316-283-7528.

Bike Across Kansas 2005 Route Map

bike across kansas map

Local artists and craftspeople will open their Lindsborg studios to visitors on Saturday, April 23rd, from 11:00 am to 5:00pm.

On display will be examples of painting, printmaking, ceramics, metal work, weaving, woodcarving and design, jewelry, handcrafted canoes, photography, Swedish folk design and more.

A complete list of studios and galleries that are participating is available in the extended entry area (click on “Continue reading …” below).

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